Improving use of time vs. allowing waste of time is at the foundation of an emerging paradigm shift across nearly all businesses. Companies are increasingly focused on maximizing time efficiency, which ultimately contributes to cost efficiency, greater productivity and higher profit margins. Emphasis on time management and workplace productivity can also reduce stress levels.

Why Time Management is Critical

Stress becomes a vicious circle when time is wasted, leading to further anxiety about productivity losses. When stress builds up in the workplace, it can extend to families. The goal of an enterprise is to spread positive energy that inspires success, not negative energy that leads to burnout.

In order to beat the negative effects of workplace burnout, it’s imperative for management to analyze how time is spent using company technology. Here are metrics you should study to gauge workplace activities that affect productivity:

  • Number of hours per day talking on the phone
  • Number of hours per day reading and answering emails
  • Use of notifications about new emails and social media activity
  • Number of times per day distractions interrupt work
  • How much time is spent using scheduling software

Keys to Increasing Productivity

A manager must monitor company progress in real time. Digital technology empowers managers and other staff members to swiftly diagnose problems and speed up decision-making. Managers must be able to identify system vulnerabilities and make corrections.

When the mood of the workforce is pointing downward and productivity slides with it, an effective direction is for management to balance its time between running the operation and planning strategies for operational improvement.

Essence of Time Management

Time management is important for all staff members from top executives to new employees. It’s about working smarter instead of harder. That means balancing tasks through prioritization and deciding how much time should be spent on specific tasks.

Part of the equation involves achieving work-life balance. When people come to work stressed out or tired from lack of sleep, it can reduce workplace performance. Effective time management takes into account the well being of workers and technology such as automation that handles redundant tasks that are boring to humans.


People working with technology is what make businesses successful these days. While technology is predictable, people can be unpredictable when their well being is ignored. Creating an enjoyable work atmosphere is a crucial part of time management with the goal of improving productivity.