It can be difficult to fill a job, particularly in a low-unemployment environment. Certain factors can aid or hold you back your hiring efforts.

Different Channels

You may be hitting all the traditional recruiting channels and even using temp agencies, but these are not your only options. A small number of postings will result in a smaller talent pool. Using less traditional avenues like Craigslist, your LinkedIn profile, and even social media like Facebook and Twitter can expand your talent pool and help find the best candidate.

Company-Centricity vs. Benefits

Your candidates are going to try and sell you on their viability. First, you need to sell them on working for you. The best candidates have options, so they want to see that there are great benefits to working for you. If your job descriptions are all about the company, that can turn off great candidates. Keep in mind that candidates can — and the best will — learn a lot about your company by doing their own research. This is a chance to peel back the veil and show them why working for you is amazing.

Thirst and Pipelines

A wise person once said you should dig your well before you are thirsty. If you are only starting to look for new employees when your workload has gotten massive, this can subconsciously come across in your job listings. If you have not been seeking candidates on a regular basis, constructing a pipeline of sorts, the best candidates may see your urgency as a lack of confidence and take their abilities elsewhere.

Boredom vs. Excitement

Your job posting might be terrible, or just terribly boring. The posting is a chance to show potential candidates that something they are looking for in their careers is available. Perhaps they want to work with an amazing leader, or be recognized for doing incredible work. When you clarify who would be perfect for the job to be filled, the next question is why that person would love working for you.

Core Competency

Many traditional businesses have struggled to recruit high-tech employees because the corporate culture still sees networks, computers and software as “extras.” Other companies struggle to hire employees in areas ancillary to what the company does best. If you are working to fill a job that is not your company’s core competency, outsourcing or contracting may actually be better than hiring.