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4 Common Small Business Challenges and Solutions

Entrepreneurship is among the most popular pathways toward financial independence and for good reasons. By starting your own business, you get to generate your own wealth, enjoy the flexibility to pursue what you love and achieve personal growth. However, small businesses face unique challenges which if not handled properly, can make profitability and growth hard to come by. Here are the common issues facing small businesses and how you can overcome them.

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Networking 101 for Remote Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs need to network, especially when working in a remote setting. Unlike office-based work, remote work reduces person-to-person interactions. Consequently, remote workers can be isolated from resources and knowledge, opportunities for collaboration, mentorship and guidance, and more. Read on to explore how remote workers can practice effective networking.

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Keeping Up with Mental Health While Working a Remote Job

Recent years have seen a rise in the popularity of remote work, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. While working a remote job comes with flexibility and convenience, it also has its downsides when it comes to mental health. This article explores the loneliness and workplace mental health challenges that come with remote work, as well as ways to overcome them.

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How Coworking is Shaping the Definition of “Workplace”

Contrary to what many people believed before 2020, the future of working environments doesn’t involve reporting to a 9 – 5 corporate office Monday to Friday. Working from home fully today also sounds so 2020. The current trend is a hybrid working environment supported by the increasing adoption of coworking spaces.

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4 Must-Have Tools for Remote Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic revolutionized how businesses operate and popularized remote work as most employees worked from home. While the pandemic is no longer an issue, many companies have retained the work-from-home policy to save costs, boost employee productivity and maintain business continuity.

Here are some must-have remote work tools to make working remotely easier and more productive.

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What to Look for in a Business Partner

Forming a business partnership is one of the keys to building a successful entrepreneurship. Two teams working together can often generate more productive results for both groups. Here are essential insights to consider before partnering with another business.

Why a business partnership requires research

You should know a potential partner’s business reputation and financial history before entering an agreement. You can be held liable for a business partner’s actions, especially if you collaborate on manufacturing, distribution or promotion.

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Successful Networking in the Working World

More than 30% of job applicants find new opportunities through referrals and professional connections. Successful networking can open doors to unexpected opportunities that would otherwise prove out of reach. However, you should understand the differences between networking and randomly meeting new people on a night out. Below are a few things you should know to benefit from successful networking.

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Benefits of Entrepreneurs Utilizing Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces have gained much attention in the business world due to the rapid rise of their popularity. These spaces are known for their unique designs, including wide-open office layouts and relaxing work areas for people from various fields. Coworking is a crucial part of the business strategy for an entrepreneur, and it can make the difference between success and failure.

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